Empowerment Collective Platforms

Explore our platforms where you can connect, learn, and take action with the Empowerment Collective.

Choose the space that works best for you!

Facebook Group

Trust me, we also don’t love this…

We recognize that people are either not using Facebook or pulling away from it recently, and we don’t blame you! Unfortunately for our purposes, there is no platform that has the same level of community and group features that even remotely compare. Until something else arises, and trust me we will be actively looking, Facebook is just our main hub for all events, education, community and documents.

What we can promise here is a private community of locals who are all interested in the same goal: uplifting the community! We monitor chats and posts very carefully. We also require a questionnaire to be filled out upon joining. As stated in our group rules, the page is not a place for negativity, mocking memes or venting.


One of the alternatives to our Facebook page, with less community, is our Patreon page! The membership will always be FREE, but we do require the formal membership to help us track how successful this option is performing.

Here you will find all the same educational pieces and documents shared with the Facebook page.

We do not update events here.


I will be so honest here: I always hated Twitter, and I really don’t like BlueSky. The format of the platform was just never my favorite.

I did create a “list” attached to my personal profile I created, but I still don’t really understand how this thing works… This will be updated, just not as frequently.